Durango's XHDI-5 and XHDI-6
This one was a very pleasant surprise in more than one way. (1) I actually expected XET-6 Monterrey, never expecting a new log. (2) Unlike so many Mexico TV stations, XHDI-6 Cuauhtemoc is an official TV station; XHDI-6 is listed on Doug Smith's TV Database as a low-power station. While XHDI-5 is common here via E-skip, XHDI-6 is a new log. Note that the ID is the same one XHDI-5 uses. In fact, when the ID came up, my first thought was that my channel 6 TV was on the wrong channel. Fortunately, the TV and VCR were both on channel 6.
Channel 5
Durango, DGO
877 miles via Es
Text ID upper left
July 4, 2012
Channel 6
Cuauhtemoc, DGO
Text ID upper left
July 4, 2012
New Log in 2012